Association of Translation Companies
Word Connection is proud to be an associate member of The Association of Translation Companies (ATC). ATC membership is recognised globally as a mark of quality-managed language services.
Representing the interests of language service providers, the ATC is dedicated to promoting good practice, professional standards, effective management and high-quality translation work. The association provides a powerful voice for industry professionals but is also dedicated to supporting the interests of those who purchase language services.
About the ATC
The ATC was founded in 1976 by leading translation companies. The aim was to drive improved industry standards to better support all exporters of goods and services. Since its formation, the organisation has played a significant role in the advancement of European language services. The association was one of the original developers of the European translation services standard EN 15038. This was a precursor to the international translation services standard ISO 17100.
Extensive research enables the ATC to better understand the needs and challenges of both its members and the businesses they serve. ATC conferences and networking events ensure that members can connect with each other, collaborate and remain abreast of developments in the industry. Training programmes established by the ATC together with the association’s prescribed standards continue to drive best practice while ATC awards encourage excellence.
ATC Member Services
The objectives of the ATC
ATC members are supported by a wide range of services provided by the association as are the individuals, businesses and public bodies that commission translation services.
The association provides translation purchasers with detailed information regarding members’ specialities and any assistance they need. It consults with the Government in the UK on matters related to the translation profession, organises conferences, provides training programmes and defines standards.
Membership of the ATC includes affiliation to the European Union of Associations of translation Companies (EUATC). Members of the ATC can also take advantage of the association’s ISO certification service.
Prescribed objectives clearly define the role and ambitions of the ATC. Those objectives are as follows:
To promote the interests and use of ATC member companies
To promote the interests of the translation profession as a whole
To promote, publish and enforce a Code of Professional Conduct for ATC members
To arbitrate in matters concerning members and clients
To establish, maintain and promote the adoption of rigorous quality systems
To protect the interests of those purchasing translation services
To ensure that ATC members invest in full professional indemnity insurance
To promote co-operation between members and within the profession as a whole
To publish information regarding the profession for the benefit of members and translation purchasers
To promote greater use of professional translations by those seeking to sell or communicate on an international level
ISO certification
ATC Members may be audited for ISO 17100 (Translation Services) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent organization with a membership of 167 national standards bodies. It brings together experts from its members that develop international standards with the aim of promoting and supporting best practice and innovation while finding solutions to global challenges. ISO standards are voluntarily adopted. Conformity is assessed and certified by external bodies, including the ATC, and not by the ISO.

ISO 17100 : 2015 Translation Services
This internationally recognised standard specifies requirements for the core processes, resources and the other aspects of providing the service that are necessary to deliver a high quality translation service. To achieve certification, a translation service provider (TSP) must demonstrate that they possess the capability and resources to meet the needs of their clients. They must also demonstrate that they adhere to all relevant industry codes, best practice guidelines and legislation.

ISO 9001 Quality Management
This standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system. To achieve certification an organisation must demonstrate the ability to provide services that meet their client’s requirements and that also adhere to any applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Organisations must also demonstrate that they aim to enhance customer satisfaction by effectively applying the quality management system and that they have evolved processes for improving that system.